"I have worked with Pat David for over 10 of her 30 years. She is smart, driven, thoughtful, and funny. Her Davidisms are fabulous!"
—LAUREN TYLER, head of HR for JPMorgan Asset & Wealth Management,
JP Morgan Chase & Co
After being asked for decades to distill my thirty years of corporate advice into a book, I've finally culled the cream of the crop of what I call “Davidisms” and organized them into themes and easy-to-digest sound bites to embolden both early-career and seasoned professionals alike. With candid personal stories and real-life scenarios that illustrate my responses to over one hundred career questions I was asked over the years, I offer my time-tested tips on a multitude of career-related topics in the form of an insider’s playbook. Think of it as an EZ-Pass to move you toward the fast track—as far as your courage, vision, and tenacity will take you.

Available at:

My early claim to fame was being the first black captain of the twirling team at Cardinal Spellman High School in the Bronx. Since then, I graduated from Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business, with a BS in Finance & Economics and a minor in accounting, then spent thirty years in the corporate world, starting with Philip Morris and moving on to Merrill Lynch, Salomon Brothers, Citigroup, and JPMorgan Chase, where I was the chief diversity officer. Being honored in 2015 with the installation of the Patricia David Trailblazer Award, and in 2016, receiving an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters were major highlights of my career.
I've since retired from the corporate world and am now offering freelance coaching and consulting to individuals to help them maximize their potential in a variety of ways. I'm also thrilled that my years-in-the-making The 'Her'story of Davidisms—my handy book for professionals at all levels of their careers—was just released. I hope you grab a copy and take some nuggets from it to help you move to the EZ-Pass lane!